Sunday, February 27, 2011


My mother is a fantastic seamstress. She is really amazing at all the crafts she does. She taught me to embroider and crochet. She taught me to sew ... she is an invaluable resource for me.

The lessons I learned for all crafts seem to apply to the others. The lesson I bring to you today is about edging.

When my mom was teaching me to sew, she told me to never make it sloppy. Don't take shortcuts, even if others can't see them. Always finish your seam because if you don't, the piece will look unfinished.

This lesson is directly applicable to my crochet today. While she never told me to edge my crochet, it comes natural to me, especially with her lessons from sewing ringing in the back corner of my  mind. When I'm working on a piece, I believe that when possible, you should edge it. It makes the piece look more professional... it makes the piece look officially "finished."

I suppose this is a blog to pass this lesson on to you, the reader and ask - do you feel the same way? What are your favorite edgings?


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